The Hive Nursery

Excellent teacher-led extended care for 3-4 year olds

Develop and Learn


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a play-based curriculum that childcare providers use as a tool to ensure that children from birth to five (the end of the Reception year) are developing and learning to their full potential.

At The Hive Nursery we plan and provide a range of stimulating play activities, which help children to make progress in each of the seven areas of learning which are:

Prime Areas
Specific Areas

The prime areas are the most essential for your child’s development which in turn will support your child’s learning in the specific areas.

Rich and Engaging

The Learning Journey

At The Hive Nursery, we have a rich and engaging EYFS curriculum where the children are active learners and are nurtured to develop a curiosity about the world around them. Play helps young children to learn and develop their vital physical, social, emotional and communication skills. Our skilful team of teachers and early educators carefully question and pose ideas to support the development of children’s communication and critical thinking skills both in their planned and child-initiated activities.

The adults in the nursery carefully observe children in their play to assess their current stage of development. This enables the adults to plan enriching activities and learning experiences to meet the individual needs of all the children in The Hive Nursery.

During their time in The Hive Nursery, each child will have their own ‘Learning Journey’. We use the online journal called Famly. This is a collaborative tool which collates notes, photos, videos and assessments of your child’s learning experiences from both nursery and from home.

During their time in The Hive Nursery, children are introduced to some early sounds work in preparation for beginning Sounds~Write in Reception.

They also begin to learn key texts in line with the principles of Talk for Writing, which you can read more about here.

Building Relationships

Key Person

A key person is assigned to your child. This will be a member of our staff who will get to know you and your child well. The key person makes sure that, within the day-to-day demands of the setting, each child feels special and safe. Parents will have the opportunity to build a relationship with their child’s key person and to liaise with someone who is fully committed to and familiar with their child.

Parent partnerships are extremely important to us here at The Hive Nursery and we value your support and commitment to your child’s learning journey. We strive to involve all parents in their child’s learning and development by:

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