The Hive Nursery

Excellent teacher-led extended care for 2-4 year olds

About Us

A Safe, Happy and Stimulating Environment

The Hive Nursery opened at Princecroft Primary School in January 2021 and is a purpose-built facility. In September 2023, we opened our Bumbletots room for 2-3 year-olds. We are a teacher-led nursery with highly skilled and specialist staff who want to give your child the very best start to their education.

Safe and Happy

Develop and Thrive

The Hive Nursery offers a safe, happy and stimulating environment for your child to develop and thrive.

Through rich play-based learning and mixing with children and teachers, your child will be very well prepared for starting school. The children enjoy a free-flow setting whereby they can access well-resourced indoor and outdoor areas.

Areas to explore include:


Opening Times: Term Time

Early Risers 7.45am – 8.45am (3-4 year olds only)
Morning 8.45am – 11.45am
Lunch 11.45am – 12.15pm (only as part of the all day session)
Afternoon 12.15pm – 3.15pm
Day 8.45am – 3.15pm
Extended Day 8.45am – 4.30pm (3-4 year olds only)
Full Day 8.45am – 6.00pm (3-4 year olds only)


More Information

Lunch and Snacks

During the day your child is welcome to have a freshly cooked hot meal as well as breakfast, healthy snacks, and a light tea. Snacks and teas are charged additionally.

Our nursery children can either bring in a packed lunch or order a hot school meal. Our lunches are provided by Warminster School and must be ordered in advance through the School Office. Payment is made online.


Uniform is not compulsory in nursery, but sweatshirts with the Hive Nursery logo are available from our uniform stockist CoolCatsClothing.


In the interest of health and safety, children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including watches and earrings, at any time in the nursery.

For Each Term

Things to Bring to Nursery


We ask that children wear comfortable and practical clothing, including sensible shoes (without laces to encourage independence). All children will also need a change of clothes and underwear which will be kept in your child’s bag. Please label all items of clothing with your child’s name and be mindful that your child may come home messy (a sign of a good day!)

Lunchbox and a drinks bottle

If your child is having a packed lunch, please send this in with them in the morning. We also ask that you provide a water bottle for them to drink from throughout the day.

Nappies & wipes

If your child wears nappies please provide them with a sufficient supply for their session. If you would like us to use nappy cream, please provide this as well with their name clearly written on the container.


Please provide your child with a pair of wellies which they can keep in nursery. In colder weather, please send your child with a warm coat, gloves and a hat. 


Please provide an outdoor hat, sun cream and suitable clothing.

Pegs are allocated each day so we advise all belongings are kept in your child’s bag which is then taken home every day.

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