Friends of Princecroft

Fundraising for our school

Helping our School

Fundraising for Projects, Equipment and Resources

The Friends of Princecroft School (FoPS) are a group of parents, grandparents and carers who fund raise throughout the year, with all the money raised going to projects that benefit all the children within the school. FoPS is and has been an integral part of the school community for a number of years. Thousands of pounds have been raised and spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s educational experiences and school facilities. Over the years we have organised Christmas fairs, summer fetes, mufti days, pancake races, discos, quiz nights, a ladies’ night, bingo evenings and some members have even jumped out of a plane to complete a sponsored skydive!

The FoPS are about much more than fundraising, they exist to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. It is fun too – just ask any of the committee members or helpers.

None of the FoPS projects come to fruition without your support, so thank you for your time and hard work so far! We are always looking for new volunteers whether you can spare the time to come and be involved with the committee or help on a stall at a fete or bake a cake, any help is appreciated.

If you would like to be involved please contact us via The Friends of Princecroft School Facebook page, by email at or via the School Office.

We are a registered charity (Charity No: 1092784), which means we are accountable to the Charities Commission.


How Can You Help?

A simple way to help us. – the idea is that when you shop online at all of your favourite stores, over 3750 of them, the store gives a little to our charity. By using this clever way of shopping, you pay the same as you would anyway BUT the store donates a percentage of your purchase!

There are a few steps to follow and initially register, download the toolbar – then every time you visit a website, it will ask you to activate the donation (where applicable).


Fill out the quick form to register your details.


Follow the instructions given by easyfundraising. You can download a Donation Reminder that helps you remember to use easyfundraising when shopping online.


Find the retailer you want to shop with.


Click to visit the retailer, then shop as you normally would.

It’s so simple and brilliant how many things we do daily can generate money for the school.

Here are a list of the online retailers:

It only takes a few moments to register and it’s easy to do your bit to support the school.

Please log on, register your details and get shopping! Don’t forget to spread the word, everyone is welcome!

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