Before & After School Care

What we offer

Wrap-Around Activities

Making Life Easy

At Princecroft we offer comprehensive wrap-around activities to help busy parents and ensure consistency and high levels of care at the beginning and end of each day.

We aim to make life as easy as possible for parents and carers with a breakfast club beginning at 7.45am and after school care until 6pm every day

Breakfast Club

The school day starts at 8.40 but our breakfast club is open from 7.45 each morning in our hall.

Sessions cost £3 and spaces can be booked through the office by email at and paid for through the online SchoolMoney account.

School Clubs

We offer a wide variety of after school clubs most weeks to give the children enriched learning experiences. Our clubs include Tae Kwando, multi sports, gardening, computing and football with a range being offered to both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children.

Clubs are run on a voluntary basis by school staff and are not guaranteed. Places are allocated fairly.

The after school clubs are run from the end of the school day at 3.10 until 4.00.

What's Available

After School Care

The Acorns After School Club is based at Princecroft and is judged as an Outstanding after school provider by OFSTED. Acorns runs from 3-6pm every week day during term time for children aged 4 to 14. Each child enjoys a hot meal and is offered a range of different activities both inside the school and on our school grounds.

Please contact Jackie on 07432 878339 to discuss your needs and arrange a tour.

Holiday Clubs

PH Camps offer holiday clubs at Princecroft in school holidays throughout the year.

These are open to all school-age children.

Get in Touch