
All you need to know about enrolling your child in school


Admissions Policy

The Governing Body has agreed admissions arrangements for the 2024-25 school year and has determined a final policy which follows Wiltshire Council’s Schools’ Admissions Policy. The following information applies only to year groups from Reception to Year 6.

More detailed policy information can be found on the links bel

The capacity of Princecroft Primary School is 210 pupils, with 30 pupils in each year group, and currently there are spaces in most year groups.

For information about joining The Hive Nursery, please visit our Nursery section.

Starting School

Admissions to Start School in Reception

Wiltshire Council controls all admissions to our school.

The closing date for all applications for children wishing to start in September 2025 is 15th January 2025 at noon. Notification of whether your child has a place at our school will be posted to you in April 2025.

For late applications (i.e. after 15th January) notifications will be posted out in June 2025. Full details, including an application form, can be found on the School Admissions page of the Wiltshire Council website.

Applications for September 2025 entry will open on 1st September 2024 and the deadline will be 15th January 2025.

Our staff work closely with The Hive Nursery throughout the year. They also make positive links with local pre-school groups and nurseries. All Reception children who start school with us in September will be visited in their nurseries and have an extensive induction to help prepare them for when they start in our Reception class.

Children must attend school full time in the term after their 5th birthday. However, most children attend school from the autumn term after their 4th birthday. All applications should be made through the Wiltshire Council Parent Portal:


In-Year Applications

The term ‘in-year applications’ refers to all applications for places except those joining at the start of Reception year.

If you are moving from another part of the country, or just want your child to change schools, this means you. The only exception would be if your child has been issued with an Educational Health and Care plan for their special educational needs, in which case your Local Authority should work directly with Wiltshire Authority to arrange your child’s school place.

Parents should follow the guidance issued by Wiltshire Local Authority:

Transfer applications have to be made online, please use the In-Year Transfer Admissions Form available through or you can request a form on 01225 713 010.

Next Steps

Transfer to Secondary School

Transfer to secondary school is made at the end of Year 6, when pupils are 11 years old.

Strong links have been established between our school and local secondary schools including Kingdown and Warminster School, to ensure a smooth transition.

Induction visits are arranged during Year 6, and staff maintain contact through many different links.

All applications should be made through the Wiltshire Council Parent Portal:

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