Statutory Information

How is our school doing?


Special Educational Needs

In September 2014, a statutory Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) was introduced by the Department for Education (DfE).

The SEND reforms build on best practice and joins education, health and care services, from birth to twenty-five, to provide the best outcomes for children and young adults.

Local authorities have a duty to publish a Local Offer. This provides all of the services that children and young people with SEND can expect on offer in their authority.

Mrs Jones is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).

Success for All Children

Pupil Premium

The Government considers the Pupil Premium to be a key element of their education policy.

Introduced in April 2011, the Pupil Premium provides additional funding to schools to target specific groups of children who are vulnerable to underachievement.

These include pupils from low income families, children in care and the children of armed service personnel.

Fitness and Health

Sports Premium

Engaging children in sport is a priority at Princecroft.

We have amazing outdoor spaces and the children regularly take advantage of these in their sports lessons. The Curriculum is exciting and diverse, covering gymnastics, dance, team sports and athletics.

Children in Reception and Years 1 to 4 enjoy high quality swimming training.

Princecroft is part of the Warminster School Sports Partnership which has two main benefits. Firstly, this provides the children with the opportunity to take part in sporting festivals, allowing them to experience a range of exciting and challenging activities. Secondly, the Partnership runs competitive tournaments which celebrate both individual and team sporting excellence.

In addition to their PE sessions, the children have the opportunity to take part in a range of exciting after school sporting clubs. PE is a fun and challenging part of the school week for all children at Princecroft.,


Service Pupil Premium

At Princecroft we want every child to achieve their very best and understand that the experience of children in the Armed Forces can be different from that experienced by many other children.

The Service Pupil Premium (SPP) was introduced by the Department of Education as part of the commitment to delivering the Armed Forces Covenant. This premium enables schools to provide extra, mainly pastoral, support for children with parents in the Armed Forces. Please see the attached document detailing how we spend this at Princecroft.

We regularly welcome military families into our school community and recognise the challenges for both the children starting at new schools, and for parents stepping into another school community whilst often dealing with the impact of a serving family member being away.

We offer a range of support for our military families including a Family Support Worker who can work with both children in school and support parents at home. We also have a number of staff trained as Emotional and Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who can provide additional pastoral support to help children settle quickly and achieve their very best while at Princecroft. We enjoy strong links with our local unit welfare offices and Army support service.

If you are moving to Warminster, please get in touch so we can provide you with further information and show you our school

More Information

The Army Welfare Service
The Forces Warminster Community Portal
SCE - Service Children’s Education
CEAS – Children’s Education Advisory Service – Curriculum Concerns, Education Allowances, Admissions to Schools, Special Educational Needs.
SSAFA -Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association
Princecroft Primary School’s Service Premium Plan
Princecroft Primary School’s Service Review

Available Support

Recovery Premium

Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit.

At Princecroft Primary School we believe that the highest possible standards can only be achieved by having the highest expectations of all learners. Some pupils from both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged backgrounds, now or continue to require additional support in order to ensure they get the best possible outcomes following the disruption of Covid-19.

Performance Tables

School Performance Data

You can view our school performance by visiting the UK government website. This will enable you to view and download the following:

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