Data Protection and Privacy notices
As a school, we are required to collect and process data from parents, carers, staff, and the children who attend our school. We do this to fulfil the legal obligations we have to the government and our local authority, to ensure that we are able to track the progress of pupils in order to identify any specific needs that they might have and then provide the necessary level of support they require. We hold a certain amount of data on parents and carers to ensure that we are able to communicate with them effectively and in a timely manner. We also collect some data from visitors in order to comply with Health and Safety regulations and Safeguarding policy. You can find more information in our Data Protection Policy.
A list of examples of the types of personal data that we process can be found in our Privacy notices.
We process some data on the basis of consent, such as the use of photographs. You will be asked to approve or deny your consent upon registration with the school and then once a year thereafter. However, you are able to change and update your consent at any time by contacting the school office on
You can find information regarding all your rights as a data subject in our Data protection policy.
In addition, we also have procedures in place to ensure that we store and transmit all data in a secure way to protect the rights and privacy of individuals. You may obtain details of these procedures on request from the school office.
Subject Access Request (SAR)
Under data protection legislation, individuals have the right to request access to the information we hold about them (among other legal rights which are detailed in our Data protection policy).
A Subject Access Request (SAR) can be made verbally or in written form to any of our staff. Once a SAR has been made, Princecroft school have 30 calendar days to respond unless the request is complex in which an extension of an additional 2 calendar months can be applied.
Data Breaches and Complaints
As with all other organisations that hold data on individuals, we are required to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the body responsible for ensuring compliance with legislation and investigating any complaints or data breaches.
Should you have any concerns about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, please raise them with us first by contacting Mrs Emma Dredge at or, by calling the school office.
Our Data Protection Officer is One West who can be contacted by email at or by phone on: 01225 395959.
Alternatively, should you so wish, you can also contact the ICO directly and their contact details can be found on their website: The ICO site also contains a lot of useful information regarding current legislation and individual rights.