
Our approach

The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers; he is one who asks the right questions.

Claude Levi-Strauss

Becoming Scientists

Science and Exploration

It is important to us that our children develop a love of science, where exploratory attitudes and inquisitive questioning are drivers for their learning. Science has changed the world as we know it and, through our curriculum, we explore many of the ground-breaking discoveries, and learn about the scientists who have been so influential. We believe this makes science relatable for children and aim to show them that a career in science is a realistic aspiration should they wish to pursue one later in life.

Children are taught the skills of investigation. They are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse cause and effect. As in all our lessons, we place emphasis on learning and using both scientific vocabulary and that of wider contexts, as well as integrating reading opportunities into every science lesson.

We teach three science topics in each year group across the year and for this, there is a clear progression in each area of the science curriculum. Every topic is taught as a block of up to 12 lessons which has a corresponding knowledge organiser. This culminates in an essay or written account of an investigation, in which the children demonstrate they can communicate their understanding.

Science Curriculum Units

Knowledge Organisers

Brunel Class

Year 1

Anning Class

Year 2

Newton Class

Year 3

Churchill Class

Year 4

Gandhi Class

Year 5

Pankhurst Class

Year 6

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