Design Technology, Computing, Religious Education and PSHE

Our approach

Products and Needs

Design Technology

During their time at Princecroft, pupils will design, make and evaluate quality products to fulfil a design specification using a range of skills: textiles, food technology, woodwork, constructing with card and paper, creating mechanisms and computer-aided design.

In each year group, children will complete a DT project which follows a detailed process. This includes researching existing products, creating initial and developed ideas, planning and making a product and evaluating whether it is fit for purpose.

We believe that using real-world scenarios and examining real products enables children to think critically and adapt their ideas accordingly as they begin to understand consumer needs and the growing competitive retail industry. We also introduce the children to the idea of sustainable products and the advantages and disadvantages of hand-made and mass-produced items.

Technology in the Modern Age


Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design technology. Children use computational thinking and creativity to understand the changing and technologically advancing world. Computing is another subject taught in three blocks, and this alternates with music.

Each block is six lessons long and focusses on the internet and communication, software and skills such as word processing and spreadsheets, and creating using ICT in a range of formats. The computing curriculum also includes comprehensive online safety teaching as the children are introduced to the dangers of the internet. They will be taught the skills of programming, debugging and use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.

We aim for all pupils to become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Wonder and Beliefs

Religious Education

We believe that children should be given the opportunity to learn about a range of beliefs and cultures through different religions. We allow beliefs to be examined and for children to express their own views, while being tolerant and accepting of those that differ to their own.

Children will explore festivals, stories and scripture which is associated with different faiths and also consider the humanist viewpoint. Children all partake in three units of RE learning each year which are taught in blocks of six lessons. Lessons include multi-modal stimuli to ensure they are engaging and a high proportion of discussion features throughout.

We focus on the children’s ability to express reasoned views confidently and respectfully.

Self-Care, Relationships and Health

Personal, Social & Health Education

In PSHE, our work is underpinned by the SCARF curriculum map. Children meet Harold the Giraffe and his friends as a way of unpicking issues relating to a range of topics.

Pupils have discussions and watch film clips about healthy eating, the body and how it works, friendships and their influence, legal and illegal drugs and their effects, and how choices and behaviours can affect children’s health and outcomes.

Our lessons introduce some ideas that challenge social norms, including misperceptions of peers’ engagement with risky behaviour in order to engender more positive behaviours. We intentionally teach many elements of PSHE and RSE in various subject disciplines across the curriculum – particularly in assemblies, reading, themed weeks and humanities.

We also teach a weekly 30 minute PSHE/RSE lesson in each class across the school.

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