
Our approach

You can travel the seas, poles and deserts and see nothing. To really understand the world you need to get under the skin of people and places. In other words, learn about geography. I can’t imagine a subject more relevant in schools. We’d all be lost without it.

Michael Palin

Physical and Human Geography

Curiosity of the World

Our geography curriculum begins in the early years and children develop their knowledge and expertise as they progress through the school. We want to inspire a fascination and curiosity about our world through learning about countries, settlements and oceans as well as the key processes that give rise to physical and human geographical features. Through their geography curriculum, the children have the opportunities to visit significant geographical sites in the locality and further afield including the Jurassic Coast.

Children are taught to use and read atlases and maps and learn about the UK as well as other countries, continents and oceans. They learn about the eight points of a compass, read grid references and through fieldwork, observe and measure key geographical features in the local area.

Two topics of geography are taught each year across the year with up to 12 lessons in each topic. Each one begins with a geographical question. Through a sequence of carefully constructed lessons, the children learn the vocabulary, knowledge and skills to enable them to successfully answer this question both verbally and within a written essay at the end of the topic.

Geography Curriculum Units

Knowledge Organisers

Brunel Class

Year 1

Where is our town and what is it like?
How do the seasons and weather affect farming in England and Ethiopia?

Anning Class

Year 2

Where in the world is the U.K. and how are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland different?
What are the geographical features of the Dorset coastline?

Newton Class

Year 3

What are the key geographical features of the United Kingdom and South West England?
What is the water cycle and why is it important?

Churchill Class

Year 4

What is Italy like and how does it compare to the U.K?
How is land used in France?

Gandhi Class

Year 5

What are the geographical features of South America? Where may be the best place to live and why?
What is Japan like and how does it compare to the U.K?

Pankhurst Class

Year 6

What is North America like and how does it compare to the U.K?
How is our local area mapped?

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