Art & Music

Our approach

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.

Pablo Picasso

Elements of Art

Inspiring Curiosity

At Princecroft, we wholeheartedly believe that all children are artists.

To value and appreciate the art world enables critical thinking, the ability to look closely for deeper meaning and develops curiosity through questioning. Due to these factors, Art provides a better understanding of the world around us, from the mundane to wider cultural issues, and has the capacity to deepen learning across an extensive range of curriculum areas.

We live in an age where the artist is forgotten. He is a researcher. I see myself that way.
David Hockney

From Reception to Year 6, children will be taught two art units each academic year.

These units develop the seven visual elements of art: line, shape, tone, colour, pattern, texture and form. These elements are learnt through what we feel are the key art processes: drawing, painting and sculpture. The work of artists is integral to our approach and seeks to inspire the children’s own work throughout each unit.

Art Curriculum Units

Knowledge Organisers

Brunel Class

Year 1

Anning Class

Year 2

Newton Class

Year 3

Churchill Class

Year 4

Gandhi Class

Year 5

Pankhurst Class

Year 6

It is only when we are no longer fearful that we begin to create.

J.M.W Turner

Developing Imaginations

Mastering Creativity

It is our passion that we teach children the concepts and skills they need to be successful, confident artists. All lessons provide clearly demonstrated step-by-step activities by the teacher, which is essential to developing children’s knowledge of the art process and visual element they are learning.

It is important that children learn how to be competent in developing the art processes so that they can thrive as artists and produce work they are proud of.

I rarely draw what I see. I draw what I feel in my body.
Barbara Hepworth

It is our aim that by the time the children leave Princecroft, they have experienced a range of artistic styles, concepts and skills to be able to make critical choices about their own work, and it is through this mastery that creativity will shine through.

Elements of Music

Composing, Listening and Performing Skills

It is our aim that all children leave Princecroft with the ability to read and write music.

Music is taught in three blocks per year group by a specialist music teacher. Each block is 6-7 lessons long and focusses on the skills of listening and appraising music, music theory, instrumental tuition, composing and performing.

Children are introduced to a range of musical genres and composers/artists alongside the elements of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, structure and instrumentation. In addition to their lessons, all children have a weekly singing assembly and during Family Lunch, they both sing confidently and hear a key piece of classical music which changes each week.

There are additional opportunities for performance through the yearly calendar such as in the Harvest Festival, nativity, carol service and end of year production.

Our Year 6 pupils also have the opportunity to achieve the bronze Arts Award from Trinity College London – the equivalent to a GCSE in the Arts.

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